
communication resource中文什么意思

发音:   用"communication resource"造句
  • 通信资源
  • 通讯资源
  • communication:    n. 1.通讯,通知;交换;信息;书信,口信,通报。 2 ...
  • resource:    n. 1.〔pl.〕资源;物力,财力。 2.方法,手段; ...
  • shared communication resource:    共享通信资源
  • resource:    n. 1.〔pl.〕资源;物力,财力。 2.方法,手段;机智,智谋,才略。 3.消遣,娱乐。 natural resources 自然资源。 hidden resources 地下资源。 Flight was his only resource. 他只有逃走一法。 Reading is a great resource in illness. 读书是病中极好消遣。 He is lost without resource. 他彻底完蛋[失败]了。 a man of no resources 无资力的人;毫无办法的人;闲极无聊的人。 at the end of one's resources 山穷水尽;无计可施。 be full of resource(s) 富有机智。 be thrown on one's own resources 除独自努力外别无他法。 adj. -ful ,-fully adv.
  • with resource:    追索权
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. 3 the review of communications resource distribution
  2. 6 communications resource management
  3. Design and realization of management system of communication resource based on mapx
  4. For the communication resource unit , 87 school talks and 50 talks for the general public were organised in 2005
  5. Shannon limit is the limit of communication resource utilization . the main aim of coding is to construct the practical codes to approach the shannon limit


        communication:    n. 1.通讯,通知;交换;信息;书信,口信,通报。 2 ...
        resource:    n. 1.〔pl.〕资源;物力,财力。 2.方法,手段; ...
        shared communication resource:    共享通信资源
        resource:    n. 1.〔pl.〕资源;物力,财力。 2.方法,手段;机智,智谋,才略。 3.消遣,娱乐。 natural resources 自然资源。 hidden resources 地下资源。 Flight was his only resource. 他只有逃走一法。 Reading is a great resource in illness. 读书是病中极好消遣。 He is lost without resource. 他彻底完蛋[失败]了。 a man of no resources 无资力的人;毫无办法的人;闲极无聊的人。 at the end of one's resources 山穷水尽;无计可施。 be full of resource(s) 富有机智。 be thrown on one's own resources 除独自努力外别无他法。 adj. -ful ,-fully adv.
        with resource:    追索权
        be in communication with:    与...通讯, 与...保持联系
        communication:    n. 1.通讯,通知;交换;信息;书信,口信,通报。 2.传达,传授;传播;传染。 3.交通,交通机关;联系,连络(设备)。 4.【宗教】接受圣餐。 a means of communication交通工具。 communication equipment 通讯设备。 cut off communication 切断连络[通讯]。 have no communication with 与…无联系[不通信息]。 in communication with 与…连络[通信息]。 privileged communication 【法律】 1. 法律准许不外泄的内情。 2. 法律准许作为证词而提供的内情〔不构成诽谤罪等〕。
        communication with:    与交流; 与...通讯;与...交流
        of communication:    沟通渠道;传意途径
        the communication:    该通知
        resource resource security:    资源安全性
        resource-limited resource scheduling:    资源受限的资源进度计划
        a person of resource:    一个足智多谋的人
        abstract resource:    抽象资源
        accelerator resource:    对应键资源; 加速键资源
        agricultural resource:    农业资源
        allocated resource:    配给用于某次灭火的物资
        allocation, resource:    资源配置
        alternate resource:    替代资源
        animations resource:    动漫资料库
        anime resource:    动画资源
        aquatic resource:    水生资源
        as a last resource:    作为最后一着
        assigned resource:    派定的物资
        assignment of resource:    资源分派


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